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February 10, 2014
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Think Protection

4 Safety Tips for Young Women

No matter who you are, you always want to Think Protection and how to keep yourself safe.  There are, however, some special precautions young women should consider to keep themselves safe at all times.

Driving Safety

Keep a charged cell phone with you at all times while driving.  No matter what the emergency, a cell phone can be your line to safety and something you always want with you.  Keep all vehicle doors locked, and never let your gas gauge run under half full.  You want to avoid running out of gas, or even having to refuel in a remote gas station at night.  Always park in a well-lit, populated area and check the back seat before entering your vehicle.  Also, never, under any circumstances, should you pick up a hitchhiker.

Safety with Friends

When hanging out with friends, always use a buddy system wherever you go.  If you are walking down the street or hanging out at your favourite night spot, always make sure you have at least one friend with you.  Whether you`re at a bar or a café, never leave your drink unattended or with a stranger.  Either finish your drink or leave it with a friend you can trust who will keep it in their hands.

Safety Walking

If walking with a friend is not an option, ensure you are always walking in a well-lit, well-populated area while alone.  Keep an object such as a whistle with you to make a lot of noise such as a whistle if you feel like you are in any danger.  Never, ever enter a stranger’s car or accept a ride from someone you don’t know well and make sure you have friends or family that know where you are.

Home Safety

Your home is your castle, and whether living alone or with friends, you have to keep it fully protected.  Get strong deadbolt locks for all of the doors, and keep them locked at all times, even while you are at home.  If you don’t have a home alarm system, get one immediately.  They can protect you from home invasions and are statistically shown to prevent thieves from choosing your home.  Even if you are renting or only living somewhere temporarily, you can get a home security system for a low monthly fee and no contract! Protect your possessions, your home and protect yourself!