A burglary can happen to anyone. There are certain things however that everyone should know in regards to burglaries. This information on Home Security fats will give you an insight into when they happen. Plus it will also show who is more likely to be targeted.
First, homes without alarm systems are significantly more likely to be targeted by a burglar than those without. In a recent survey by UNC at Charlotte, 60% of burglars surveyed said they'd avoid a home with an alarm system. Plus other data shows that homes with alarm systems are 3 times less likely to be targeted than those without an alarm system. Alarm systems work. Burglars know this, which is why they avoid them.
Most burglaries happen during the day. The vast majority occur between 10 am and 3 pm. Why is this? Logic would say because most homes are empty during this time. This is due to homeowners at work and kids at school.
Another important stat is that approximately 30% of burglaries are from unforced entry. This means that a burglar enters the home through an unlocked door or window. This stresses the importance of always making sure your doors/windows are locked. 34% of burglars enter through the front door!
Also, statistics show that break-ins happen quickly. The vast majority of break-ins occur in less than 10 minutes. Burglars enter, looks for valuables and then leave. They know that the longer they stay inside the home, the chance of them getting caught increases.
Also, 70% of burglaries occur when a home is empty. Again this is because burglars don't want to get caught, and the likelihood of this happening increases significantly when someone is home. This does show the importance of using an alarm when you're away from your home and also when you're home. At nighttime make sure your alarm is on. An alarm is the best way to deter and detect a burglar.