You have decided to get an alarm system to protect your home and family. You are trying to figure out which equipment and services are truly necessary to provide a proper level of protection. Do you need to turn your home into a castle (moat and drawbridge included)? Probably not. With that said though, what's the proper balance? How much home security is too much?
To properly protect your home and family, you need to assess your true security needs. To do that, some questions need to be asked:
You have decided to get an alarm system to protect your dreams, home, and family. You are trying to figure out which equipment and services are necessary to provide a proper level of home security. It can be challenging to decide. How much home security is too much? How little is too little?
To properly protect your home and family, you need to assess your home security needs in a detailed manner. To do that, begin with answering a few simple but key questions:
Let’s go over each of the questions above to understand the importance. You don’t need bars on all windows and tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of equipment for proper protection. Answering these questions will prepare you to select a system that is right for you.
How big is your home? Typically, we measure by square feet. A smaller home has fewer doors and windows, and the home security system can be smaller. A larger home needs more equipment to cover all entry points. The size of the location is key to figuring out what is necessary for proper security. To explain it in simple terms, a condo apartment will require less equipment than a 5000-square foot home.
Is your home an open concept house? If it is, there will be fewer interior walls vs. a more traditional layout which has more rooms, hence, more doors and hallways. If your home is an open concept, then a motion detector placed to get the biggest view of the space can work. This is called a “Trap Zone”. A trap zone is an area in the home with frequent foot traffic that is covered by a motion detector. Typically, an open concept area needs just 1 motion detector for full protection.
If there are multiple smaller rooms and each one contains valuables, then more interior motion detectors are required to create a ‘trap zone’. This single piece of equipment will sound the alarm with even the smartest burglar since there’s no way to bypass it when it’s armed.
Next, consider the number of doors and windows in your home. Depending on how your home is set up, a contact per door may be required. With windows, you need break detectors and window contacts. However, a well-placed motion detector will reduce the number of door or window detectors that you will need.
How many floors does your home have? Typically, a multi-level home only requires security on the main floor as most burglars enter on the main floor. The second and third floors can be covered by well-placed motion detectors that will trigger easily if a thief enters. Conversely, a large single-level house will probably need more security as there are more possible entry points for a thief to break into your home and more rooms that they can travel to inside your home.
When do you need protection? We ask if the customer is looking to protect the home when they are inside or away from the house because this helps determine if motion detectors can be used. If someone wants security when they are home, then a motion detector will trigger constantly as they walk around the house. Other home security equipment in this case will work better. Proper home security comes with understanding the homeowner’s needs and delivering the right home security package.
Where do you need extra security in the home? Asking if there are any other locations within the home that have special protection needs is important for an experienced alarm company. For example, the homeowner may have a valuable collection in a certain part of their home. Maybe they have a home office that needs extra security? Whether it’s a vintage guitar collection or expensive wine in a wine cellar, different situations may require different security needs. Developing a plan that is tailored to your needs and your budget is why we have advisors to help you.
Do you need protection during emergencies? Most people also add in the protection from events like fire, water damage and carbon dioxide, along with their home monitoring service. These devices also protect the homeowner from accidents as opposed to just alerting them to burglars. An integrated security system protects your home from internal and external threats and allows you have a peaceful night’s sleep.
After we look at the answers to the questions above, we can figure out what truly is needed for proper home security. In most cases, less is more. You don’t need thousands of dollars of equipment for proper home protection. A home alarm system deters and detects burglars. Adding more pieces of equipment often becomes redundant. Motion detectors are the first key tool for security. Second, are door contacts. Third is everything else!
When searching for a home security system that is right for your home and your family, start with understanding your home, the exterior, and the interior, and what you want to protect. Importantly, you also need to think about how much security you can afford. You should choose only what you need. You can always add on additional security when the time is right, and only if you need it.
With thinkpro home security, you are not bound by long-term contracts. There are no hidden fees and no surprises. Just security and peace of mind.
Talk to a pro at 1-855-76-THINK or 1-855-76-84465. You can also contact us online.