Vivint is a well-known home alarm company based out of Utah. You remember those door to door guys that come to your house every summer and try to get you to change your alarm company? That's Vivint. The truth is that Vivint provides a quality home alarm system with home automation capabilities, however in this case good things don't come at an affordable price.
For the base package, there's a small upfront charge and then their monthly monitoring rates start at $53! Yes, $53 for their base package. The system isn't a standard system like the one you'd find with ADT or AlarmForce (it does have increased features and a nifty touchscreen keypad), however, $53 is a lot of money.
They require a three-year monitoring contract to be signed. So when you do the math, over three years the customer ends up paying just under two thousand dollars for a Vivint system. That's a big chunk of money. Especially when you look at the fact that their monitoring service is no different from other companies. You may be getting better-looking equipment, but the look of a panel or keypad shouldn't mean much to your buying decision. Keep in mind that with technology moving so quickly what looks cutting edge today in two years will seem outdated.
In reality with smartphones being so commonplace who even really needs a keypad!
So the getting back to the question is Vivint overpriced, our opinion is that it is. You get a good system in regards to the aesthetics of it, but at the end of the day, it provides the same services as other home alarm systems. If a burglar breaks in, a Vivint home alarm system isn't going to get the police or private guards there faster than any other home alarm system, so when you do the price comparison Vivint is a high-cost offering where you don't necessarily get what you pay for.