More and more home alarm companies are storing customer data. Data farming is a key component to both Google and Amazon. These companies are new to home security with Nest and Does data storage lead to an invasion of customer privacy? Should home alarm customers worry about their alarm company storing their data?
Every command you ask your Amazon Echo is stored. This data is then used by Amazon to understand the customer. The same is true for Google Nest hub. What does the customer like? How often do they use the products in their home? What goods and brands does the customer purchase? This valuable information helps these companies then market to the customer new products and services.
Is this an invasion of privacy? The user can turn off the data storage , however it's rare that the the customer knows the information is being stored in the first place.
Recently, Amazon owned was using live customer cameras to test new features. Customers were not aware of this live testing and never were given an option to opt out.
One has to ask, how secure is the data storage. We know recently that Facebook stored customer passwords in a semi-secured file that employees could access. Can a skilled hacker get customer data in regards to security through the aforementioned devices?
Google's parent company, Sidewalk Labs, is in talks with creating a "smart, connected" neighbourhood in Downtown Toronto where all data is stored and shared. They believe this big data will lead to efficiencies and enhanced living for the residents. Stored data on a large level can have numerous negative consequences. You can read about Sidewalk Labs project here -
At Think Protection we do not store customer data. Privacy equals security. Our cameras are self-monitored, where we cannot access video clips or log in to watch customer footage. We also do not test features on live customer's cameras. We believe customer privacy is of utmost importance.
Our 24/7 trained central station can only respond when the alarm is triggered. The system contacts us. We value our customers privacy and make sure to honour it through every step of the customer process.
It is important to understand that Google and Amazon want to collect your data to monetize it. The more data they gather, the more they can market to you. That's why they got into security. Security to these companies is simply a way to own your home. Be weary of any alarm company where security is not their primary focus. The safety of your home should always be priority one - not a Trojan horse to sell you toilet paper.